Too often manufacturers prioritize profits over safety and innocent people are injured as a result. In our product liability practice, we seek to hold companies that manufacture and sell dangerous products accountable for their actions. Our experienced attorneys understand the complexities of product liability law and are committed to advocating for our clients’ rights and effecting changes in corporate policy.

Product liability cases focus on defects in the design or manufacture of products or company’ failure to warn about a dangerous feature of their product. The following types of products may feature defects that could give rise to a product liability case:

  • Medical devices (replacement parts, implanted surgical materials, cosmetic implants)
  • Pharmaceutical products (prescription and over-the-counter drugs)
  • Automobiles and automotive parts
  • Children’s products (toys, highchairs, strollers)
  • Lawn equipment
  • Home improvement tools
  • Kitchen appliances
  • Food products
  • Cosmetics and cosmetic tools
  • Space heaters
  • Pressure cookers